The DG of NNRA and Head of Nigerian Delegation to the IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Security today attended a special session on Nigeria.
The event is tagged “Shaping the Future of Nigeria’s Nuclear Security Regime: The Impact on Nigeria and other Member States of Collaboration with the Border Monitoring Working Group”.
Nigeria shared its experience through a presentation by Ms Pamela West from the Office of National Security Adviser (ONSA). Present at the event included Mr Jeffrey Chamberlin the Deputy Administrator for US DOE/NNSA’s Office of Defense Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Mr Stephen Kliment EU Special Envoy for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, HE Ms Laura Holgate the US Ambassador to Vienna UN Office and IAEA, HE Carl Hallergard the EU Ambassador and Head of Delegation to the International Organization in Vienna amongst other.
On the Nigerian side Ms Florence Lola EJIM a Minister at the Nigerian Embassy in Vienna, Prof Ibrahim Viva of CERT ABU amongst others also attended the event.
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