The Department of Nuclear Research Reactor Safety and Safeguards is one of the Departments in the Authority and headed by a General Manager. The Department has 5 divisions which are Research Reactor Safety Division, Nuclear Safeguards Division, Nuclear Material Export and Import Division, Uranium/Thorium Mining and Milling Division and Integrated Management System Division.
The Research Reactors Division is responsible for regulatory oversight of research reactors and critical facilities other than NPPs. The oversight activities of the Division include review and assessment of applications and submittals, safety inspections and enforcement and Authorizations of research reactors and critical facilities. The Division also initiates, drafts and maintain safety regulations and guidance on the safety of critical assemblies and research reactors such as the Nigerian Research Reactor (NIRR-1), and the proposed Multipurpose Research Reactor (MPRR).
The Safeguards Division is charged with the responsibility of performing all necessary functions that enables Nigeria meet its International and national safeguards obligations in the application of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation. Part of their responsibilities includes establishment and maintenance of the state system of accounting for the control of nuclear material in line with Nigeria’s safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). They also implement any additional protocols to safeguards agreements and preparation of relevant reports in a timely manner for submission to the IAEA. The nuclear safeguard section is also responsible domestic inspections in respect of INFCIRC358 and INFCIRC358/Add.
The Nuclear Material Export and Import Control Division is responsible for Implementing Import/Export control measures. This Division is also responsible for verifying compliance for the Import/Export of nuclear material. The responsibility of the Division also includes Liaising with stakeholders to achieve its mandate.
The Division of Uranium/Thorium Mining and Milling is responsible for Research and investigation of uranium/thorium mining activities, Development /Review of Requirements for the application and licensing of uranium mining/milling.
Integrated Management System Division is responsible for the implementation, assessment, and continuous improvement of the integrated management system of the NNRA. The Division is also responsible for ensuring that nuclear facilities and activities under the NNRA regulatory control develop, implement, assess, and continuously improve an integrated management system.
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