Our Mandate
1. To Set Requirements and Ensure Compliance, the NNRA:
- Sets and documents clear requirements, using a process that includes consultation;
- Cooperates with other organizations and jurisdictions to foster the development of consistent regulatory requirements;
- Indicates acceptable ways to meet regulatory requirements;
- Promotes compliance with regulatory requirements;
- Verifies that processes and programs satisfy regulatory requirements;
- Enforces requirements using a gradual but consistent approach; and
- Uses appropriate industry, national or international standards.
2. To Base Regulatory Action on Levels of Risk, the NNRA
- Regulates persons, organizations and practices that are subject to the Act in a manner that is consistent with the risk posed by the regulated practice;
- Recognizes that risk must be considered in the context of the NNRA’s mandate under the Act
3. To Make Independent, Objective and Informed Decisions, the NNRA
- Performs objective assessments of information submitted by licensees, interveners and others;
- Recognizes the role of professional judgment;
- Maintains a consistent regulatory process;
- Learns from experience and the experiences of others, and strives for continuous improvement
4. To Serve the Public Interest, the NNRA
- Carries out its mandate in the interest of Nigerians;
- Communicates openly and transparently with stakeholders in an objective fashion while respecting Nigeria’s access to information and privacy laws;
- Provides stakeholders with the opportunity to be heard in accordance with the prescribed rules of procedure;
- Consults with stakeholders when establishing priorities, developing policies, and planning programs and services;
- Interacts with foreign nuclear regulators and appropriate national and international organizations, and cooperates with other jurisdictions; and
- Operates in an effective and efficient manner.