The EU-INSC Project “Increased Capacity and Capability of the Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA) NG3.01/22(INSC/2023/446-831)” is holding from 8th - 12th July, 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria
The project is an in-situ Assistance Meeting ISA.1.2 Work Meeting 3(WM3) that centers on reviewing the status of NNRA regulations and guides in the framework of TASK1 of the EU-INSC project and is led by Dr. Barbara Vokal Nemec, an expert from the Slovenia Nuclear Safety Authority, (SNSA).
The Objectives of ISA 1.2 WM 3 are to develop guides to support the review and assessment of NNRA’s regulations and guides based on insights from the Slovenia Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA) guide for review and assessment, including also the Slovenian national experience in licensing a Western House design PWR. Furthermore, a combination of the US approach of the Standard Review Plan (SRP) with the application of the high-level International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) requirements and the US NRC, Unclear Regulations (NUREGs) will be included.
The Director General/CEO, Dr.Yau Usman Idris, who was represented at the brief opening ceremony by the General Manager, Research Reactor Safety and Safeguards Department, (RRS&S), Mr. Audu Mohamed, welcomed the expert to the weeklong meeting and commended her for accepting to work on NNRA’s draft document and regulations. He encouraged participants to take advantage of the meeting to draw useful lessons from her knowledge and expertise, especially regarding review and assessment of the documents. He further encouraged participants to identify gaps in the regulatory documents of the authority to make necessary corrections to the existing document, thus empowering the organization in achieving its regulatory functions in line with its mandate.
The EU expert Dr. Nemec, expressed her delight in taking up the assignment and promised to impact knowledge through the sharing of her experiences with the participants and by taking them through different stages of Nuclear Installations. She wished the attendees an impactful exercise in the one-week-long program.
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